Sunday, September 9, 2007

One Week

exactly has passed since the last post and i decided that i think its going to become a sunday thing, so if you look forward to hearing, or rather seeing, news from the source you now know what day to check it out. But on to bigger and better things, the update on ep. 4 is ...... not done yet. but editing is under way, dave and hannah got a lot of it done this past week, and im hoping that she will keep him on top of it because dave by himself will just not do it, he gets lazy. This post, although not as funny or informative as the last few, was just to let you know that we are all still alive, i think, i havent really talked to dave or joe lately, they could be dead, or in jail. So i just hope that they are O.K. and now i have to try and survive another week of classes and tests. If you dont hear from me next sunday please dont get concerned but i probably will have drank myself into oblivion. Until next time, dont forget to spade and neuter you pets.



Anonymous said...

haha well its good to hear that epispode 4 is still underway and good to know about sunday's hahaha try not to die members of TJC i need yall to have some sort of entertainment lol good to see that you have taken the wheel for updates woody!

Anonymous said...

I wish good luck guys, we see you from MEXICO (VERACRUZ)

Anonymous said...

Tell them not to drop the soap. Good luck with everything everybody, you guys (and girl) are awesome! Save some of that Oblivion for the people that needs it, Woody. lol

Anonymous said...

and 3 sundays later there's still no sunday update...